About Us关于华黔


The integrity of business development to quality-oriented survival

Wang Jiahua is the main founder of Guizhou Huaqian Architectural Reinforcement Engineering Co. , Ltd.


Born in 1978 in Weng 'an County, Guizhou province, Jianzhong town. He studied Sichuan University of Science and Engineering in 1998. After graduation in Beijing Mingyuan Reinforcement Company, successive design manager, engineering manager positions. Because the work is outstanding, at that time was rated as the“Most motivated employee” of the unit. Despite his outstanding work, Wang Jiahua never forgot his roots and wanted to return to Guizhou, where he was born and raised, to make a contribution. In 2007, he established the Guiyang branch of Yinchuan Modern Blasting Co. , Ltd. , to carry out reinforcement construction and design work in construction projects. After three years of precipitation, after a clear understanding of the current situation of Guizhou construction industry, in 2010, founded and registered their own“Guizhou Huaqian Construction Reinforcement Co. , Ltd.”. Since its establishment, after more than eight years of efforts in the reinforcement industry, the company's reinforcement technology and Management Model first-rate, the company with sophisticated design thinking and superb reinforcement technology to become the industry leader.

Weng 'an County in 2013 was awarded the committee as"Respect Teachers and teaching advanced units.".

In 2012, Guiyang Tongyan Building Materials Technology Co. , Ltd. was set up due to market demand.

In 2013, Guizhou Huaqian Construction Engineering Strengthening Co. , Ltd Yunnan branch was set up in Kunming, Yunnan Province, with the expansion of business and the demand of the industry.

Born in 1978, Wang Jiahua was born in Wengong village, Gaoping village, Jianzhong town. It was a small, isolated and poor village, and because of the influence of his parents' educational ideas and the poor environment, he studied even harder. At the age of 12, he was admitted to zhongping middle school with the first grade in his class. Mathematics, talent in junior high school period to show. Junior High School 3 years, as a class mathematics representative, has represented the class to participate in the whole school mathematics knowledge competition, with full marks of Excellence won the school mathematics subjects first. Wang Jiahua is not only a good result but also a cheerful, like sports; in the school to participate in the basketball team and become the main force, led the team to participate in the county games and achieved excellent results.

While Mr. Wang Jiahua is flourishing in his career, he often cares about charity. Since May 2014, all primary schools in the center of Jianzhong Town have provided cash assistance to needy students in the school. In the same year, and Weng 'an County, Jianzhong town center school to the whole school students, distributed school bags and school supplies. November 2017 to Qianxinan County, Qingshan town, Hamar Village, Deyi Primary School, all teachers and students customized uniforms, and school supplies, donated in the same month, charity has been carried out...

Mr. Wang Jiahua, who started his business at the age of 25 and is now in his 40s, has made outstanding contributions to the construction and reinforcement industry in Guizhou and Yunnan. He single-handedly turned the company into a leader in the strengthening industry in Guizhou and Yunnan provinces. He was extremely prescient when judging the market, and his bold, careful, and meticulous thinking made him successful today, to make the enterprise bigger and stronger is his ultimate goal.




1978年出生于贵州省瓮安县建中镇。1998年就读于四川理工学院。毕业后就职于北京明源加固公 司,历任设计部经理、工程部经理职位。因为工作突出,在当时被评为单位的“最上进员工"。工作 虽出类拔萃,但王家华始终不忘自己的根,想回到生他养他的故乡贵州做出一点贡献,于2007年成立 了银川现代爆破有限公司贵阳分公司,主要开展建筑工程的加固施工和设计工作。经过三年的沉淀, 在摸清了贵州建筑行业现状后,于2010年创立注册了属于自己的《贵州华黔建筑工程加固有限公 司》。公司成立至今,经过八年多的努力,在加固行业中,公司的加固技术和管理模式首屈一指,公 司以精密的设计思维及精湛的加固技术成为行业的佼佼者。



随着业务的扩大加之行业的需求,于2013年在云南省昆明市成立了《贵州华黔建筑工程加固有限 公司云南分公司》。

因考虑公司多元化发展战略,王家华于2017年在瓮安县开设了《王府烤鸭》餐厅,餐厅环境优 雅,精致的菜品让人垂涎欲滴,珍儘美味令人回味无穷。餐厅开业至今,在百姓中的口碑一直居高不 下。

1978年出生的王家华出生在建中镇的高坪村翁公村。那是一个闭塞且贫困的小村庄,因为受到了 父母的教育理念和贫困环境的影响,他更加发奋读书。12岁就以班级第 一的成绩考入中坪中学。数学 天赋在初中时期得以展现。初中3年期间,担任班级数学科代表,曾代表班级参加全校数学知识竞赛, 以满分的优异成绩拿下全校数学科目第 一。王家华不仅成绩优异而且也是一个性格开朗,喜欢运动的 人;在学校参加了篮球队并成为主力,带队参加县级运动会并取得优异的战绩。

王家华先生在事业蒸蒸日上的同时,时常心系慈善事业。从2014年的5月开始就在建中镇中心完 全小学以现金的方式资助了在校的贫困学子。同年同月,又在瓮安县建中镇中心学校给全校莘莘学子 发放了书包及学习用品。2017年11月给黔西南州普安县青山镇哈玛村德依小学的所有师生定制了校服 及学校用品,于当月进行了捐赠,慈善一直在进行……

王家华先生25岁开始创业至今已到不惑之年,期间为贵州及云南的建筑加固行业作出了杰出贡 献。他一手把公司变成了贵州和云南两省加固行业的领头者,在判断市场时极具预见性,其胆大心细 的缜密思维造就了他成功的今天,把企业做大做强是他最终的奋斗目标。
